By Anthony Marcus, for Eurasia Business News, June 24, 2023

The Public Relations Center of the FSB issued a statement in which it described the statements of Yevgeny Prigozhin as a crime and betrayal and called on the fighters of the Wagner PMC to take measures to detain him.

We call on PMC fighters not to make an irreparable mistake, to stop any military actions against the Russian people, not to carry out Prigozhin’s criminal and treacherous orders, to take measures to detain him,” the statement said.

The ministry stressed that Prigozhin’s statements “are actually a call for the beginning of an armed civil conflict on the territory of the Russian Federation and” stab in the back “of the Russian military.

The Russian Armed Forces continue to carry out combat missions in the zone of the special military operation“, the FSB noted.

They also denied “all the information disseminated on social networks on behalf of Prigozhin about the alleged missile and bomb strikes by the Russian Defense Ministry on the rear units of the Wagner PMC” and confirmed the initiation of a case against him for calling for an armed rebellion.

Earlier, the Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin “has been informed about all the events around Prigozhin, the necessary measures are being taken.”

Military vehicles have been seen in video footages in the center of Moscow tonight. The most important objects of the Russian capital have been taken under enhanced protection, security measures have been strengthened. The OMON riot police and SOBR units of the Russian Guard are on alert.

General Sergei Surovikin called today on the commanders and fighters of the Wagner Group to obey the will of the Russian president and resolve the issue peacefully. The Investigation Department of the FSB of Russia opened a criminal case against Prigozhin under Article 279 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of organizing an armed rebellion.

General Sergei Surovikin clarified that the Wagner fighters must obey the will and order of the President of Russia, “stop the columns”, “return them to their permanent deployment points and concentration areas.”

I urge you to stop. The enemy is just waiting for the internal political situation to worsen. You can’t play into the hands of the enemy in this difficult time for the country,” he addressed the fighters.

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