By Alexander Miller, consultant in energy markets – Eurasia Business News, June 20, 2024. Article n°1045.

The new, 14th package of EU sanctions against Russia will restrict the access of tankers with Russian oil to European ports. According to acting Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot, the restrictions will also give Sweden and Finland the opportunity to cancel all existing contracts for the supply of liquefied natural gas from Russia. Earlier, a new package of sanctions was agreed upon by the permanent representatives of the EU countries.

Thanks to this package of sanctions, the ‘shadow fleet’ will lose access to European ports and services,” Ms. Slot wrote on social network X. According to her, the Netherlands “strongly advocated” the introduction of such restrictive measures.

Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said that the country is considering options to limit the so-called shadow fleet of tankers carrying Russian oil through the Baltic Sea. He did not specify what measures are planned to be taken.


EUobserver wrote that EU countries want to agree on a new package of sanctions for the upcoming EU summit, which will be held on June 27. European countries plan to have time to agree before Hungary takes over the presidency of the EU on July 1.

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The draft EU sanctions measures may also include restrictions on the supply of helium, access to dual-use technologies, as well as sanctions against the oil tanker fleet and a ban on trade in “stolen” Ukrainian works of art. According to experts, in a negative scenario, the new sanctions would affect 11.8 million tons of contractual obligations of NOVATEK’s Yamal LNG plant.

Read also : World’s Top Shipping Register Removes Russian Insurer amid Sanctions

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